Friday, September 4, 2009

Public Mutual declares distributions for 2 funds

Public Bank’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Public Mutual declares distributions for two of its funds. The total gross distributions declared for the financial year ended 31 August 2009

Click HERE for more details



It has been a while since my last time blabs in here.. :D
OK.. let get straight, back to the subject.

I was offered by my friend to submit my resume to Manpower contact person by email. The next day she reply back my email saying that I was being shortlisted to attend CSC Walk-In interview & request for my attendance confirmation. Wow.. that was fast :D.

Of course I'll be there for the interview session. I've been looking around for new job/vacancy for my improvement. So wish me luck for the interview...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Public Mutual declares income distributions for six of its funds

Public Bank’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Public Mutual has announced distributions for six of its funds. The total gross distributions declared for the financial year ended 31 July 2009.

Click HERE for more details.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

To go, or not to go....

Hmmm...To go, or not to go..

This coming Saturday, I just found out that there is a walk-in interview at Dell Cyberjaya around 10.00am until 3.00pm. But I still can't decide yet whether to go, or not to go. Most probably I was afraid if my qualification does not met their requirements. But if I keep thinking like that, I wont be able to move forward. Life must go on, but still I'm unable to decide it yet.. sigh.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Public Mutual declares over RM80 million income distributions for its investors

Public Mutual has announced over RM80 million income distribution for two of its Islamic funds. The total gross distributions declared are for financial year ended 30 April 2009

Click Here for more details

Sunday, May 3, 2009

HP Deskjet F4280 - AIO

Finally... I've got a chance to go to the PIKOM PC Fair which i missed before. I've also bought a new printer HP Deskjet F4280. Why did I choose this printer ? It is because that its easier to use, doesn't take much of space & most of all, I can do anything with this printer without the need for me to go to CyberCafe.

The features that I value the most is
photo-printing & photocopying. Even it might not be as good as any photocopier out there, but for me it is reliable enough. This features is going to be handy for me when I'm going to do my part-time business.

Friday, May 1, 2009

UNIT TRUST - Kenapa melabur dalam unit trust?

kepelbagaian: ini bermaksud, duit yang dilaburkan akan di pecah2 kan ke banyak portfolio termasuk stoks, bon, sekuriti, money market dan pelbagai lagi dibawah pengurusan fund manager. dengan cara ni, dpt mengurangkan risiko dan pulangan akan diperolehi pada risiko yang minima.

pengurusan yang profesional: dana aset akan di uruskan oleh pengurus dana (fund manager) profesional yang berpengalaman. pelaburan di buat based on extensive research, market analisa, dan pemerhatian yang terperinci dalam ekonomi.

kecairan: bermaksud pelabur boleh kluarkan semula wang yg dilaburkan dlm tempoh 10 hari waktu berkerja. tiada cas akan dikenakan bagi setiap pengeluaran.

senang: transaksi yang mudah untuk membeli dan menjual semula unit amanah. pelabur akan di update kan info mengenai pelaburan melalui interim report dan laporan tahunan.

3 bentuk keuntungan:

capital gain: cth, masa beli harga nav per unit RM0.30. slepas sesuatu jangka masa, harga nav per unit dah berubah menjadi RM0.40. maknanya dekat situ, kita dah kaut keuntungan RM0.10 untuk setiap unit.

dividend: dividend biasanya akan diumumkan pada tahun berakhir kewangan untuk sesuatu dana. maksudnya peratus keuntungan yang diperolehi dari pelaburan kita tersebut. cth, investment RM10k, tahun berakhir seterusnya, dividend declared 10%, so kita dah untung RM1000.

bonus: bonus akan diberi dalam bentuk pertambahan unit. cthnya, setiap pelabur diberi tambahan 1% unit mengikut nilai nav yang terkumpul. tetapi bonus xsemestinya berlaku setiap tahun. dia bergantung kepada pasaran.

p/s: melaburlah dlm dana yang dijamin halal. insya Allah keuntungan pun halal.

* courtesy of CG Forum

Thursday, April 30, 2009

7 Types of Investment Vehicles in Malaysia

1. SAVING / CURRENT ACCOUNT - Normally we all sure have a saving account either with MAYBANK, CIMB, AMBANK, RHB BANK etc to receive our monthly paycheck. This type of account usually give a dividend but normally around 1% - 2% per annum.

2. FIXED DEPOSIT (FD) - We can decide to set aside any amount of money (usually 5k above) within certain period of time from 1 month - 36 month. The return usually around 3% - 4% per annum depends on the times period.

3. TABUNG HAJI - Most of the Muslim like to save in here. In that way they can save enough money to go for Haj. Tabung Haji declare 7% dividend for the year 2007. It was the highest ever been since 2001.

4. EPF / KWSP - As an employee, you are required to contribute to the EPF under the EPF Laws, which are intended to protect your interest beyond your working life. Currently there are 2 type of account which is Account 1 (70%) & Account 2 (30%). Account 1 is for your retirement & investment meanwhile Account 2 is for owning a house, medical treatment, education etc. The strong market performance in 2007 has enabled the EPF to declare a dividend rate of 5.80% for the year. BUT due to worldwide financial crisis, they only declares dividend 4.50% for the year 2008.

5. ASB - Most of the BUMIPUTERA have this type of saving. AMANAH SAHAM BUMIPUTERA (ASB) is a unit trust fund handle by the Malaysian government. Its average return nowadays around 7% - 9%

6. UNIT TRUST - This is what we do promote nowadays, its projected return is around 8% - 15% per annum. Why is it 8% - 15% only, its because as an agent or Unit Trust Consultant (UTC) we are not allow to tell or give promises to the client regarding the higher return because it is against the etiquette. We never know what will happen in the near future. We also cannot predict the market outcome. This average return is based on the conservative fund solely. But for the past few years back, there are several funds achieve a profit more than 20% each year due to the good market fluctuation.

7. STOCK MARKET - Woow... this one if you have guts & have a lot of money to spend on, then you can play the market. You can gain profit 400% in one day & you can also lost 400% in a blink of an eye too or even more if you don't have the knowledge.

Base on this 7 types of investment, its all are up to you to make the decision.
If you all want to know more about this unit trust, can contact me for more details

H/P : 012-354 1944 or
email : peszals [at] gmail [dot] com or mfaizal.ishak [at] gmail [dot] com

EPF Declares 4.50% Dividend For 2008

EPF declares dividend 4.50% for the year 2008. It is less 1.30% compared to the year 2007 which is 5.80% due to worldwide financial crisis. Despite of that, they did recorded the highest ever earnings of RM20 billion in gross income for 2008. This represented an increase of 9.36% over the previous year’s gross income of RM18.29 billion.

Click Here for more details

Friday, April 17, 2009

Afiq Iman in-action

Afiq Iman in-action with his new pyjamas.

It makes me wonder where did he learn to make a pose like that. Hmm.. kids, they can be unpredictable sometime I guess.

* Picture taken with camera phone.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Financial tips for those just starting out - by Celine Tan

1. Change your mindset. You are no longer dependent on your parents. Learn to spend within your own means.

2. Track your spending. Keeping a record of every cents you spend tells you how you are spending your money. Do it for at least 3 months. Once you've done this, you can see which expenses you should cut back on.

3. Increasing your savings does not mean taking a larger portion from your take-home pay. There are plenty of cost-saving techniques that you can adopt in your homes, such as reducing your household expenses or preparing lunches at home.

4. Use your credit card sparingly. Use it only for convenience, such as making auto payments for your insurance policies. Avoid using it to spend future money on today's consumption.

5. Pay your credit cards on time. If you have registered for online banking, check you accounts and bills fortnightly. This ensures that you do not overspend & prevents negligent accumulation of debt.

6. Use debit cards or prepaid mobile phones if you keep "forgetting" your financial limits. Debit cards are a great way to prevent excessive spending while allowing you to go cashless: If you don't have enough money in your account to cover a purchase, the transaction won't go through.

7. Consider renting your home before you can really afford to buy one. Although it is wonderful to your own little place, renting would relieve you of the mental stress of having to commit to house loans, home insurance costs & utility bills. You can save up for your home while you rent a temporary one, especially if you are undecided about your career path.

8. Make it a habit to replace high-end items only when they are worn out or cost more to repair. For example, delay purchasing a brand-new car if your current one is still taking you from point A - B without any problems.

9. Learn to discuss your financial matters effectively with your loved ones. Money matters can spiral out of control if your loved ones do not know your exact financial situation. They may be able to help you get your spending on track & avoid burdening you with unnecessary spending.

10. Be disciplined in repaying what you borrow from family & friends. If you don't do so, it would become a habit that would not put you in good stead when you get a loan from a financial institutional later on.

* Courtesy of Personal Money - April 2009

Personal Money - April 2009 Issue

I'm just wanna talk about this month issue of Personal Money. Previously I did subscribe for yearly subcription but I've cancelled it after 1 year. So nowadays I just bought or get my copies when I feel like it or want it or the topic is interested for me.

For this month issue, I found it very interesting for me. Some of the interesting topic I like was, 6 ways to invest in Gold, Free financial lesson for children, How to get the headhunter to call, Finding the perfect Home Loan, Starting an online boutique & lastly but not least, their Special Focus which is Selecting a medical insurance policy.

So if you wanna know all the stories about, dont forget to get your copies at the nearest newstand or bookstores outlet.

Chow.. :D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

PIKOM PC Fair at KL Convention Center


Semalam aku ngan family gi PC Fair kat KLCC ingatkan takderlah ramai sgt orang yang datang sbb aku sampai awal, tetapi rupanya masa aku sampai tue.. orang dah ramai tunggu dekat pintu masuk (padat mcm tin sardin). Pintu tu plak hanya dibuka tepat jam 11.00 pagi. So aku pun berlalu pergi dari situ.. pergi lepak kat taman plak.. Anak aku yg sulung punyelah seronok dpt lepas main kat taman tu sampai tak ingat dunia :p.. dah tak kira dah panas ke tidak.. janji dpt bermain kat situ sambil kejar burung-burung yg ada kat situ..

Sementara tu aku tunggu gaklah berhampiran ngan pintu masuk tu.. sbb aku nak pergi beli printer utk kegunaan aku kat umah. So lepas aku dapati pintu masuk tu dah tak ramai org, aku pun pergi dengan anak aku yg sulung. Tp kat dalam tu mmglah ramai orang, so aku terpaksalah dukung jer anak aku tu... takut hilang plak.. (gatal sgt nak bawak jln).

Aku tak mau amik masa lelama sgt dlm tu, takut letih & nampak memacam plak kat dalam tu nanti. So lepas aku jumpa & beli apa yg aku mmg nak cari, aku pun balik. Tp yang tak bestnya, aku terpaksa pusing dari point A - Z baru boleh kluar.. :( (langsung takleh nak skip.. jauh plak tu nak pusing...) patutnya sediakanlah laluan alternatif utk org keluar ker apa ker.. ini takder... kena gak pusing jejauh.. letih aku pusing cari jalan nak kluar.. sambil dukung anak & printer yg dibeli.. aduhai.. nasib.. nasib..

Kalau nak tau printer apa yg aku beli masa tu.. tunggguuuu aku post nanti ttg printer tu plak..

Friday, February 13, 2009

Newborn : Muhammad Aman Fikri


My lovely wife safely delivered a new baby boy weight 3.15kg at Putrajaya Hospital on 19th January 2009 (22 Muharam 1430H) at 11.30am. His name is Muhammad Aman Fikri.

Welcome to this WORLD my child.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

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